The information provided voluntarily by the users of, is used by this website, in order for its users to have direct and effective communication with the store, to be provided with answers to specific questions they ask and finally to be served and to execute their orders.
The information collected by through the website aims to measure the number of visitors, to determine the preferences of users for the design and production options of the available goods and to improve the conditions of transactions with the store. does not distribute to any other organization, body or person, which does not cooperate with it the email addresses or any other information concerning its users and customers. Every order processing requires the collection of personal data, for delivery or reservation of an order. Also, the use of a credit card, for the debit of which proof documents of identification of a legal holder are required, is guaranteed in each case.
Any supporting document and document certifying and stating the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is checked only by the responsible department of The submission of the personal data by the user means that he consents to the use of this data by the beneficiary and any additions to that of for the reasons mentioned above. requires the technicians and maintainers of the website to provide its users-clients with the level of security referred to in this Privacy Statement.
In no other case can share with others the personal data of the user without his prior consent, unless this is required through legal channels.